Commentary | Page 182 | Tomorrow's World


The Ultimate Loss

  1. 17th February 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Profound sadness is the deep emotion one feels when we learn of the death of a child of tender years. It is an emotion that once gripped me strongly, when I learned of the death of two children, ages nine and twelve, a little boy and a girl having fun in the snow, sledding and doing what kids do until—they fell through the ice in a pond and drowned. One was...


Slaves to debt

  1. 15th February 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

The burden of debt on this nation is overwhelming! The United States' government is staring at the need to raise the debt ceiling again above $14 trillion. All but several of the 50 states have budget deficits of billions of dollars. Why did the wealthiest nation in the world come to be in this condition?


The Vatican versus the Fourth Commandment

  1. 12th February 2011
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

On January 25, Pope Benedict XVI again proclaimed his desire "to ignite a fervent missionary movement in the Catholic Church," stating he wants to advance "the entire Catholic Church into a new missionary age" in 2011 (, January 28, 2011).  While this movement will ultimately contribute to fulfilling prophecies such as Isaiah 47:8–9 and Revelation 17...



  1. 10th February 2011
  2. Alex Celan

Recently, the New York Times ran an article on a topic that I, like many IT professionals, have been following for several months. The article discussed the likely origin, destination and purpose of a computer virus that the Times called "the most sophisticated cyberweapon ever deployed."


Are you looking down the road?

  1. 08th February 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

Looking down the road is a good idea. Taken literally, it makes you a safer driver. Using the phrase "looking down the road" as a metaphor for having vision and foresight can help you anticipate dangers and avoid other kinds of accidents and problems. It can also make you a better employee, a better parent, a better student—and a better Christian.


False Sense of Honour

  1. 03rd February 2011
  2. Michael Heykoop

How do you define honour? In times past, the word honour was reserved for those with an exceptional sense of honesty, integrity and loyalty. Recently, it has been used in a new way which acts as a slap in the face of those who actually seek to personify those three virtuous traits.  Honour has become an acceptable way to describe a man dealing out his own...


Criticism of the Bible

  1. 01st February 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?


Peddling the Gospel?

  1. 29th January 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever wondered how and why the organization that supports the Tomorrow's World television and publishing efforts never asks the viewing public for money? It seems that a hallmark for religious broadcasting is an emphasis on appeals for contributions. The message is often short on spiritual content and long on "send us money."


Security and prosperity

  1. 27th January 2011
  2. Brian Pomicter

Americans and Europeans tend to work long years with the expectation and hope of providing enough resources for a pleasant retirement. The usual desire is to have leisure time with ample prosperity for its enjoyment.


A Plague of Locusts

  1. 25th January 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

As farmers in Australia watch helplessly, locusts are marching relentlessly, devouring crops as they go. This plague is just another foretaste of an even more devastating plague to come. What can we do to prevent these plagues from happening? What can we do to escape?

