Commentary | Page 171 | Tomorrow's World


Wonderfully Made

  1. 01st November 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

Look at your hand. Once it was only a small bit of code in a DNA sequence. Now, it is a fully operational marvel of design, engineering and construction. And so is the rest of our body.  Mankind is only beginning to understand some of the secrets of the processes of prenatal development.


Wonderfully Made

  1. 31st October 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

Look at your hand. Once it was only a small bit of code in a DNA sequence. Now, it is a fully operational marvel of design, engineering and construction. And so is the rest of our body. Mankind is only beginning to understand some of the secrets of the processes of prenatal development.


Christians and Halloween

  1. 29th October 2011
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Is it “fun” to play at evil? Should we follow our neighbors, like proverbial lemmings, off the dangerous cliff of pagan practices? Most of society has accepted the lie that Halloween is “innocent fun” and eagerly train their children to take pleasure in symbols of pagan, and even Satanic, evil.


On Monday, October 24, 2011, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published its recommendation for a globally empowered international authority over the world’s finances.  This move by the Vatican may seem like simply “another academic paper” for policy wonks.  But for students of Bible prophecy, the move represents possibilities of tremendous prophetic...


A Pale Horse

  1. 25th October 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is an old proverb that “You don’t miss the water until the well goes dry.” We are often taken by surprise by some occurrence, event or development that should have been obvious, but which was somehow overlooked or simply not acknowledged until it befalls us.


Are You Cynical About Prophecy?

  1. 22nd October 2011
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Many professing Christians were disappointed when claims of a “rapture” on May 21, 2011 were proved false. Afterward, some said “Oops!” and looked instead to October 21, 2011.  Well, “Oops!” again!  Meanwhile, “New Agers” are looking to December 21, 2012. Some see it as “Doomsday” while others expect the dawn of a new spiritual breakthrough. Of course, both...


Another rapture prediction is making news headlines. Will we soon witness those who are not “presently saved” being “annihilated together with the whole physical world” (, “What Happened on May 21?”)? Some believe that Christ’s return and the rapture will occur on October 21, 2011. Others speculate about December 21, 2012.


Will Wars Ever End?

  1. 18th October 2011
  2. William Williams

In his 1951 farewell address to the United States Congress, General Douglas MacArthur grimly stated his thoughts about the global conflicts in which he had played a major role. Speaking as a life-long military man—a commander in some of modern history’s fiercest battles—he put the entire weight of his experience into his observation that, although mankind has...


A Daughter’s Memory

  1. 15th October 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Some people make their impressions on you in unexpected ways. Their demeanor, their manner of speech, the troubles they have endured, their attitude or their approach to life can change your perspective or perception, and help you see life from a different point of view.


Feast or famine?

  1. 11th October 2011
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

The world’s grain supply is shrinking.  There used to be a reliable three-month reserve, but in recent years this vital reserve has dropped to as little as an eight-week supply.  The price of rice, which is the staple grain for most Asians and many Africans, has been climbing higher, leaving millions of people facing the specter of famine.

