Commentary | Page 166 | Tomorrow's World


An "Exploited Peasant With an Attitude"?

  1. 28th February 2012
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Was Jesus Christ just a compassionate prophet, or was He truly God in the flesh? The Apostle Paul warned that many would come and preach “another Jesus whom we have not preached” (2 Corinthians 11:4) and theories about Jesus certainly abound. Some professing Christian scholars even claim that Jesus was nothing more than “an exploited peasant with an attitude” (“...


Travels and blessings in Myanmar

  1. 25th February 2012
  2. Rajan Moses

This is the final part of my report on my trip from Malaysia to visit our wonderful brethren in Myanmar and I hope that you find it encouraging to hear how God is providing for His faithful little flock in this distant but beautiful land. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar. For their safety, I cannot share their names in this report.


Who's tempting whom?

  1. 23rd February 2012
  2. Adam J. West

Are you a man? Are you plagued with battling vivacious visages of semi-clad women so common in modern-day marketing and entertainment? If so, lend me your undivided attention! If you are struggling with the secret seduction of viewing pornography and want help to conquer this societal scourge – read on!


From Kalaymyo to Yangon!

  1. 21st February 2012
  2. Rajan Moses

This is part two of my report about my recent trip from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to serve our Christian brothers and sisters in this remote nation. The brethren and I all appreciated Presiding Evangelist Roderick Meredith and Evangelist Bruce Tyler for their support for the brethren there and for their support for me to make this needed trip. The trip was...


The “Second Mouse”

  1. 18th February 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The well-known cliché “The early bird gets the worm” is often followed by another time-worn truism, “The second mouse gets the cheese.” While we chuckle at these mental word pictures, they do contain a grain of truth that applies to everyone.


Serving God's people in Myanmar

  1. 16th February 2012
  2. Rajan Moses

I was recently blessed to be able to travel from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to visit with and to serve God’s faithful flock. I thank God for a blessed trip and I thank God for the faithfulness of our spiritual brothers and sisters in Myanmar. The trip was encouraging to me and you may also be interested in learning a little more about how God is providing...


Are You in "the Way"?

  1. 14th February 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

We have all heard the expression, “My way or the highway.” It is usually a statement made by someone in authority, giving a subordinate a choice—either to do something a certain way, or to suffer the consequences. The Almighty God gives mankind a choice, either to learn to live His way, or to suffer the consequences. Which way are you choosing?


The Other Hand

  1. 11th February 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

I have a friend who is an amateur magician. His sleight-of-hand tricks are quite amazing, and children and adults enjoy them immensely. Part of the mystique and fun is trying to figure out how the tricks are done. My friend says with a smile, “Always look at the other hand”—since the performer may be distracting the audience with his comments and one hand, while...


“I didn’t send that!”

  1. 09th February 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

Every day, e-mail accounts are hacked and used to generate “spam” messages that appear to come from the people being hacked! This is a form of identity theft, and it is on the increase. Identity theft is age old. Even apostles—and Jesus Christ Himself—have been its victims!


Counting the Cost

  1. 07th February 2012
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

The Price Is Right is one of the longest-running game shows on television. Contestants on the show are asked to count the cost of different prizes, and by knowing the correct price they can win a prize. At the end of each show, two contestants compete for the “grand prize” by counting the cost of a final “showcase.” Whoever comes closest to counting the total...

