Commentary | Page 161 | Tomorrow's World


Watch Your Words

  1. 28th June 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

A prominent citizen and I shook hands on a deal to buy my house, as I was preparing to be transferred to another area. A smile of relief was on my face. But my relief disappeared a few weeks later when I found that nothing had been done to keep our deal. By that time, I had already been transferred and had acquired another house.


Dig the Canal

  1. 26th June 2012
  2. Brian Pomicter

In civil engineering, a canal is an artificial waterway constructed for navigation, irrigation, waterpower, and other purposes. We build canals to purposely direct the flow of water to a prearranged destination. Left undirected, water can be a force of tremendous destruction—and yet, it is also a precious and easily wasted resource. But water is not the only...


The Savior of Europe?

  1. 23rd June 2012
  2. Dexter B. Wakefield

There are reports of a formulating plan that would take a giant step towards European federal integration—a plan that would take away the fiscal sovereignty of the EU nations and invest it in a central bureaucratic body. The financial weakness of several Eurozone states could force them to accept this dominant power, the creation of which is supported by Germany...


European Political Union Is the Answer!

  1. 21st June 2012
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

While most politicians and commentators in Europe are wringing their hands in angst about Greek, Spanish and Italian debt, one commentator is remaining remarkably calm. Why? He has seen it all before, and has a vision that spans 50 years of European union history. Who is this man?


The "Gray Matter"

  1. 19th June 2012
  2. William Williams

Have you heard of the “10 percent myth”—the idea that the average person uses just 10 percent of the brain? Many people today take this for granted. What you may not know is that—from the writings of a nineteenth-century psychologist and philosopher, to the set of the popular “Mythbusters” television show—this well-traveled idea is quite brainless on many levels...


Memories of My Dad

  1. 16th June 2012
  2. Winston Gosse

My Dad was a hard and dedicated worker. He always had ongoing projects around the house and made sure his sons in particular were contributors to those projects. He knew how to work hard, but also cherished play and instruction time with his children. He had little schooling, only achieving second grade, but he had an educated heart.


In movies and songs, and as advice from actors, singers, and celebrities, we often hear the messages: “Follow your heart” and “Trust your feelings.” Some extol the supposed virtues of listening to their “sixth sense” or their “psychic intuition.” Does the fact that we feel something make it so? Is it generally a good idea to trust our feelings? Or, could doing...


Long Live the Queen!

  1. 12th June 2012
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

During the four days set aside last week to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, only a very few recognized its deepest significance. The British monarchy is generally considered to be over 1,000 years old, but it can in fact be traced back even further through the annals of time to the Scottish kings who were crowned on the Stone of Scone from the...


Lights Out!

  1. 09th June 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A power outage, however brief, causes a lot of consternation. Lights go out, computers are down, refrigeration ceases and life as we know it with all our modern conveniences grinds to a halt. This happened in our city recently during a busy lunchtime, disrupting the schedules of thousands of people who were having their noon break. Restaurants and other...


Beacon of Hope?

  1. 07th June 2012
  2. Rick Stafford

The last notes of the “Big Band” music hung in the air, and—as hundreds of us gazed upward expectantly—a slender column of flame arched high into the evening sky. Our small English town’s shining beacon was just one of 4,200 similar beacons that were lit around the world at 10:00 p.m. on June 4, in celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee.

