Commentary | Page 138 | Tomorrow's World


An Apology Goes a Long Way

  1. 12th December 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

We've all heard the public apologies of company spokespersons, sports figures, politicians, movie stars or celebrities. We can usually tell whether they mean it or if they're just reading a carefully worded script. When we've been wronged, we expect an apology. But it may be hard for us to apologize when we have wronged someone. Why is apology so important in...


Memories of My Dad

  1. 10th December 2013
  2. Winston Gosse

My Dad was a hard and dedicated worker. He always had ongoing projects around the house and made sure his sons in particular were contributors to those projects. He knew how to work hard, but also cherished play and instruction time with his children. He had little schooling, only achieving second grade, but he had an educated heart.


The Breath of the Almighty

  1. 07th December 2013
  2. Brian Pomicter

If you think the world has gone crazy or off the deep end, you are not alone. In their book, Future Shock, Alvin and Heidi Toffler described the effect of rapid change on the human psyche. Toffler proposed that an accelerated rate of technological and social change leaves people disconnected, stressed, and disoriented. But, is that the whole reason? To be sure,...


Nelson Mandela will be remembered around the world as the emblematic face of the struggle against apartheid.  Perhaps more than any other individual, Mandela, who died on December 5, 2013 at age 95, embodied the effort to scrap apartheid in South Africa and bring the nation’s exclusive white rule to an end. Upon his death, he is known for his character and its...


A Reflection on Driving

  1. 05th December 2013
  2. Paul Kearns

It is amazing how often life’s everyday endeavors can point us to the spiritual. There is much we can learn from the most mundane situations, if only we take time to stop and meditate on them.


No Religion?

  1. 03rd December 2013
  2. Adam J. West

On December 14, 2008, I traveled to the town of Terezin, in the Czech Republic, with a German friend of mine. There is a former Nazi-controlled Jewish-ghetto-turned-concentration camp located there. Endless brick walls constitute the fortress—a sea of orange, yellow, and red bricks against a canvas of green grass, stretching long between the structures. Most of...


It's Your Time

  1. 30th November 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

In the human experience, there is a great equalizer. No matter who we are, rich or poor, or somewhere in between, everyone has the same amount of it. It is what your life is made of.


You Might be a Pilgrim

  1. 28th November 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

There is a comedian by the name of Jeff Foxworthy who originated the line, "If you (do this or that) … you might be a Redneck!"  On this Thanksgiving Day holiday that started with Pilgrims – just for fun – let's adopt this gimmick to see if "…you might be a Pilgrim!"


Old friends

  1. 23rd November 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

An observer of the modern scene recently opined that people today don't have many friends; some have none. In the hectic pace of modern life, it seems that many do not take the time or have the opportunity to develop lasting friendships.

