Commentary | Page 137 | Tomorrow's World


It Is Your Move!

  1. 07th January 2014
  2. William Williams

Do you play chess? Are you in the ranks of the great masters of the back row, or do you feel far removed from the “royalty” of chess legend—really not much more than a pawn (most of the time) in someone else’s game? Although some consider chess a bit too competitive, and others may think its intricacy and time-consuming nature tedious, there are some parallels...


How loyal are you in marriage?

  1. 04th January 2014
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back.  But many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman.  He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty.  His story is a lesson that husbands and...


What Clyde taught us

  1. 02nd January 2014
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

In Matthew 23:11 Jesus Christ made the following statement: "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant."  If you go back and read verses 1 through 10, it is pretty apparent that Jesus is speaking about the hypocrisy of religious and secular leaders who were saying one thing but doing another.   They were puffed up in their own importance and...


The power to choose

  1. 31st December 2013
  2. Jeffrey Fall

We Americans pride ourselves in our freedom. Freedom of choice is a hallmark of our national identity and our heritage. We have the freedom to choose how we will live our lives. Sadly many individuals do not realize that freedom of choice carries the potential for great good in our lives as well as the potential for great harm.


A lesson from a ruined postcard

  1. 28th December 2013
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The weather that we have experienced so far this winter has me harkening back to our first Missouri snowfall, last winter. Being Texans, it was a big deal to us, and since it was a very mild winter last year, it was the only accumulating snowfall that we had as a family.


Jolly Old St. Nick, indeed

  1. 24th December 2013
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Contrary to what most people think, the trappings of Christmas are not based on Jesus Christ of the Bible, but are deeply rooted in pre-Christian oral legends, sanitized by theologians, historians and, in some instances, the editorial rooms of more modern times. Of all these legends, none has grown to the stature and popularity of that of Santa Claus.


Are you ready for Christmas?

  1. 21st December 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

"Are you all ready for Christmas?" my dental hygienist cheerfully inquired as I headed for her chair, dreading the next half hour, as I dutifully went for my semi-annual dental cleaning.


A Time of Restoring

  1. 19th December 2013
  2. Martin Fannin

Years ago, a friend and I stood on a mountain crest located on the Cumberland Plateau. Before us were broad grassy meadows, created from land that had been strip-mined. Although major damage had been done to the land through clear-cutting of timber and strip-mining, reclamation was producing positive results. The meadows were pleasing to the eye and the animal ...


Good dogs gone bad

  1. 17th December 2013
  2. Rod McNair

My cell phone rang with an urgent call from my wife: "Daisy's out—I need your help!" I finished my business, hopped in the car and hurried home through the rain, thankful I was just a few minutes away.


Are You Protected?

  1. 14th December 2013
  2. J. Charles Ogwyn

The thought flashed through my mind: “It sure is nice to have God’s protection.” And then it happened! Up until that moment, it was just another long, hot day during my summer break from college, spent toiling in the oil fields near Zwolle, Louisiana. One moment. everything seemed normal; the next moment, I was struggling to breathe.

