Commentary | Page 136 | Tomorrow's World


"I Have Bad News and Good News"

  1. 30th January 2014
  2. Roger Meyer

“I have bad news and good news. Which do you want to hear first?” This is a premise of some jokes and also of some serious diagnoses. No one wants to hear bad news, while we all love good news. Prophets of God and Jesus Christ Himself delivered both bad news and good news.


The day the earth stood still

  1. 28th January 2014
  2. Gerald E. Weston

My wife and I rarely go to the movies, but I decided to shock her and we went to see The Day the Earth Stood Still. Okay, I know that isn't much of a treat, but it seemed better than the alternatives.  This is a science fiction remake about an outer space human-like visitor who, with his faithful indestructible robot,  comes to Earth on an important mission.


"...a mocker and a brawler"

  1. 25th January 2014
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The old Victory Hotel had seen better days. In fact, at that time, some 40 years ago, it was an abandoned building, shuttered and boarded up, though it was only a stone’s throw from the main railway station in the city. Passenger trains were no longer in vogue, and this area had become a pocket of decay in the city.


Hunger Games: Have You Caught the Fire?

  1. 23rd January 2014
  2. Scott D. Winnail

“Happy Hunger Games!” is the greeting from Suzanne Collin’s blockbuster sensation Hunger Games. Interestingly, fans of the movie series almost wish each other the same greeting via texts, tweets and social media messages, as they make the pilgrimage to theaters for the second movie in the trilogy, Catching Fire. But, is this movie series, which has now developed...



  1. 21st January 2014
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

What is the greatest catastrophe that can befall mankind? Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods are common in today's news, and all of these events cause destruction bringing injury, suffering and death where they occur in populated areas. In the aftermath of these disasters, journalists commonly state as they describe the...


Sex Sells ... Let the Buyer Beware!

  1. 18th January 2014
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It’s everywhere—lots of flesh, provocative poses, suggestive moves, lyrics and dialogue; all calculated to stir the passions of the listener or viewer, young or old, male or female. The appeal to the desire for physical pleasures is used to purvey every kind of product and service in every form of media. It’s slick. It’s colorful. It’s well done. And, it’s...


Criticism of the Bible

  1. 16th January 2014
  2. Roger Meyer

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?


The Sex Age

  1. 14th January 2014
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Archaeologists and anthropologists have labeled the many different ages in their models of the history of man, such as the “Stone Age” or the “Bronze Age.” Given its prominence in our current society, it would not be a wonder if future anthropologists were to label our culture the “Sex Age.”


Deflation Causes Worries in the EU

  1. 11th January 2014
  2. Dexter B. Wakefield

In the European Union, there is a new worry—deflation. The economic concern has been inflation in many countries—such as Argentina (about 25 percent according to private economists) and Venezuela (52 percent in 2013). With the United States economy being flooded with liquidity from “quantitative easing” by the U.S. Federal Reserve—along with massive fiscal...


Learning lessons – the hard way!

  1. 09th January 2014
  2. James W. Sweat

It was an especially hot summer day growing up in rural Tennessee! Relief from the heat was nowhere to be found—unless we disobeyed my mother’s direct command, “Do not go swimming in that nasty cow pond!” Boys will be boys, the saying goes, as five brothers formulated a resourceful and cunning plan to go swimming without getting caught.

