Commentary | Page 124 | Tomorrow's World


Definer of the Nation

  1. 20th November 2014
  2. Ken Frank

Back in 2009, I visited my parents in the New Jersey town where I grew up. On a bright Sunday afternoon, we journeyed by car a short distance to the Monmouth Battlefield State Park, just outside town. This was the site of the last major battle in the north, during the American Revolution, on June 28, 1778, and it was the largest one-day battle of the war (in...


Freedom from Guilt?

  1. 18th November 2014
  2. Adam J. West

Are you sometimes plagued with gnawing feelings of guilt? Do anxious feelings of wrongdoing stir inside you, resulting in thoughts of shame and inferiority? You are not alone! But why, as human beings, do we have to experience and even be riddled with guilt? The fact is guilt plays a vital role in God’s purpose and plan. What is that role? How should you deal ...


Stolen Water is Sweet

  1. 15th November 2014
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

The commercial was ending as I returned with my snack into the living room. The website address and the catch phrase remained on the screen like a stain on the carpet.  "Life is short. Have an affair," read the website's catch phrase. My shock was entangled with confusion and disbelief. Was this a crude joke? Did I just see an advertisement promoting an extra-...


Can you escape Armageddon?

  1. 13th November 2014
  2. Michael Heykoop

When you hear the term "Armageddon," what images come to mind?  Perhaps you picture an asteroid crashing into the earth, a nuclear war ravaging the world or an epidemic snuffing out all life from the planet.  The term has become synonymous with the phrase "the end of the world," and many believe that it marks the end of all life on earth!


Little Angela Kasner, daughter of a Lutheran pastor in Russian-dominated East Germany, was barely two years old when an American radio preacher published in his magazine an astonishing statement: "The way is being prepared for a colossal third force in world politics—a European Federation of Nations more powerful than either Russia or the United States!… We have...


Judge not?

  1. 08th November 2014
  2. Adam J. West

Through the effective and powerful means of the media, the homosexual agenda—which first took root decades ago—has in the last decade propelled itself forward with juggernaut intensity! Homosexual activists are not emphasizing subtle tactics and persuasive rhetoric; in recent years they have been pushing to make their beliefs mainstream societal thinking.


Politics—Or Morality?

  1. 06th November 2014
  2. Glen Gilchrist (1954-2014)

Many today like to debate political topics. Talk show hosts battle in the arena of ideas. People push various political ideas as the solution to mankind's problems. The United States is in the midst of an acrimonious political campaign where candidates purport to offer answers to our social and economic problems.


Is increasing lawlessness an end-times sign?

  1. 04th November 2014
  2. Roger Meyer

On the Mount of Olives, almost 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ spoke a prophecy, which described "lawlessness" abounding in the last days. He gave this prophecy to His disciples, when they asked Him what to look for directly before Christ's Return. Is increasing lawlessness a sign that the end of the world is near?


A Malignant Obsession

  1. 01st November 2014
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It was simply a trip to a major retail bookseller with a friend who wanted to pick up a book. Who knew it would be an eye-opening experience? Unless you go to movie theaters, watch a lot of popular television shows, or peruse the popular books at your favorite retailer, you may not be aware of the current obsession involving vampires, zombies, and other macabre...


A Pig in a Poke…

  1. 30th October 2014
  2. Roger Meyer

Have you ever made a bad purchase? Perhaps you bought a defective appliance or an automobile that turned out to be a “lemon.” The product or service did not turn out to be what you thought you were buying. In such cases, we may say that we “bought a pig in a poke.”

