Commentary | Page 121 | Tomorrow's World


Churchill—Man of Destiny

  1. 29th January 2015
  2. John Meakin

The last week of January 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the death and burial of Winston Churchill, Britain’s great wartime Prime Minister. Churchill is revered as the leader who galvanized British resistance to Nazi Germany, and is remembered for his indomitable spirit and commitment to fight to eventual victory—no matter how slim the chances may have seemed...



  1. 27th January 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

Scan the news headlines or talk to your friends and neighbors, and there is little doubt that the world is filled with troubles. How can we be positive in such a negative environment? Can we find reasons to be optimistic when modern life is filled with so many troubles?


What, me worry?

  1. 24th January 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Remember the old MAD Magazine character, Alfred E. Neuman, whose line was "What, me worry?" It was a humorous spoof making light of the need to worry about anything. Worry is a mental exercise that all of us engage in, though some more than others. It doesn't produce anything. It uses up valuable time and resources, and it doesn't give us joy or peace of mind.


Use Knowledge Rightly

  1. 22nd January 2015
  2. Adam J. West

Some want to know it all when it comes to the Bible. Having a right and balanced desire to learn and grow in scriptural knowledge is good. It can help us grow in our relationship with our Creator. But this same desire becomes lopsided when the emphasis is on trying to understand subjects where God has purposefully withheld key details, or where the Bible is...


The Lies We Believe and the Truths We Reject

  1. 20th January 2015
  2. Richard Franz

Have you ever considered all the things we take as truth, things that actually shape our lives by guiding our behaviors, habits, and attitudes? Some of our beliefs come from friends to whom we gave credibility for reasons we have long forgotten. Others were handed down to us by our parents, and some of what we take for granted is "just the way things are." Have...


Broken cisterns

  1. 17th January 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“Going green” is all in vogue, as the need to conserve—and the practicality of recycling—becomes even more compelling in crippled economies around the world. Things that were once thoughtlessly discarded are now often repurposed or recycled. More energy-efficient methods of doing daily chores and routine tasks are being sought at every level. It just makes good...


Rethink Church

  1. 15th January 2015
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

"Rethink Church" has at times been a popular slogan. Do you want to be part of Jesus' faithful church; the "little flock" (Luke 12:32) that Jesus promised would never cease (Matthew 16:18)? If so, then here are ten Biblical keys to help us "rethink church" and analyze whether we are following Christ—or false human ideas.


Origins of the Universe

  1. 13th January 2015
  2. Jeffrey Fall

The debate has raged for more than a century over the question of the origins of the universe. Has the universe always existed? If not, when did it come into existence—and how did it come into existence?



  1. 10th January 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

You’ll never meet an “average” person. Oh sure, someone might be referred to as “average,” but no one ever sees himself as average. Every person is unique. Certainly, there are some commonalities, but each human being is made up of the genetic hand he or she has been dealt, along with experiences, environment, culture, religion, and other factors of life. Some...


How Would Jesus Drive?

  1. 08th January 2015
  2. Dylan King

Have you been cut off in traffic lately? Have you ever been stopped at a red light, only to have the driver across from you turn in front of you the moment the light turns green, violating your right-of-way? Do you frequently find cars dangerously riding your rear bumper? Or perhaps you’re reading this thinking, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the tailgating,...

