Commentary | Page 113 | Tomorrow's World


A Word in Haste

  1. 13th August 2015
  2. Karl Harmdierks (guest columnist)

Most of us have been asked the question, “Can you do me a favor?” We commonly reply, “Sure,” right before being confronted with a task we are not able or, frankly, willing to do. In today’s society, we often do not give such an exchange a second thought, even though in that moment we have given our word and broken it.


Can You Make Joy a Habit?

  1. 11th August 2015
  2. Adam J. West

You've undoubtedly heard the adage: "We're all creatures of habit." What about you? Are you experiencing joy from positive, quality, healthy habits that bring happiness to your life? Or, are you trapped by vicious negative habits and destructive behaviors that rob you of a joy-filled life? Do you want to change? There is hope! God has given you free moral agency...


Something to Count On

  1. 08th August 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“Nothing is worthy of respect. Nothing is sacred. There are no absolutes. Humankind must make its own way.” This widely held belief or viewpoint is an atheistic, materialistic approach to life. If one holds this view, then there are no real restraints on behavior. After all, who cares? What difference does it make? According to this view, there is no...


Atoms and the existence of God

  1. 06th August 2015
  2. Robert McMinn (guest columnist)

Although the existence of atoms is considered an undisputed scientific truth today, it has not always been so. In the early history of man’s search for physical knowledge, some believed in atoms and some did not. But what can the current proof of the existence of atoms tell us about the existence of God?


The Awesome Mind of God

  1. 04th August 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

A Yale University astronomer recently suggested that the estimate of the number of stars could be as much as three times more than previously estimated. The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. This number is called 300 sextillion in the United States, or 300 trilliard in Europe. Did you know that the Great God calls them all by name?


We're Homeless!

  1. 01st August 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

Thankfully, my wife and I are only temporarily “homeless” due to selling our house and living in temporary quarters until we relocate in a couple of weeks. However, there are many genuinely homeless people, even in America. And our nation’s houses are being turned over to foreigners. Why?


How Much is Enough?

  1. 30th July 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A popular syndicated television and radio personality once related a conversation that he had with a well-known billionaire philanthropist. As they walked over the expansive estate of the wealthy man, the interviewer asked a profound question: “How much is enough?” This person of great wealth made the point that if one does not know “how much” they want to earn...


National Amnesia

  1. 28th July 2015
  2. Rand Millich

Once the nation of the United States of America was established, what role did religion play in the years following? Was there a wall of separation between religion and the state? Many believe that the Founding Fathers delivered the nation from the influence of religion and the Bible. Let us examine the facts.


What Time Is It?

  1. 25th July 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Time! Who can explain it? “Use it or lose it,” the experts say. All of us have the same amount of it, and it is never enough. There are many sayings about time, such as “Time marches on,” “Time waits for no man,” “Time is money” and “Time is fleeting.” Especially in today’s stressful, fast paced, high-pressure world, time is at a premium. People are constantly...


God's Perfect Timing

  1. 23rd July 2015
  2. Dan Dever (guest columnist)

As I listened to the phone ring, I was afraid to answer it. I was afraid to hear the words that I knew would change our life. I answered it and on the other end was my wife. She said, "We have to go right now to the children's hospital because the pediatrician has diagnosed our daughter with diabetes. She will have to take shots for the rest of her life and we...

