Commentary | Page 106 | Tomorrow's World


What Do You Think?

  1. 28th January 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Asking questions is a wonderful way to open the doors to learning. Questions are a teaching tool long used by educators to simultaneously teach and draw out insights from pupils—prompting them to think! Jesus Christ used this teaching method about very important topics.


Real Hope for Real Change

  1. 26th January 2016
  2. Brian Pomicter

It seems there is precious little in the news today to give cause for optimism about the future. Indicators everywhere suggest that life could become a lot rougher. Many people look around and grow discouraged by what they see. For some, their personal lives have been or are becoming destitute of hope. But is there any real reason for hope?


The Fruit Inspector

  1. 23rd January 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Some people just have a way with words, and the knack of getting to the heart of a matter. Proverbs, the Book of Wisdom, expresses it this way, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).


Things Kept Secret

  1. 21st January 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

We would all like to know the future—what is going to happen to us and our family. Movies are made on that premise of avoiding terrifying events, destruction, and death. But terrifying events, destruction, and death are coming in the very near future! We can know what is coming and how to avoid it!


Leaders Past, Leaders Future—Indira Gandhi at 50

  1. 18th January 2016
  2. William Williams

Today we may take for granted the presence of women as world leaders. Such was not so common 50 years ago, this month when Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (no relation to nonviolence advocate Mohandas Gandhi) became India’s Prime Minister—13 years before Margaret Thatcher became the United Kingdom’s first female Prime Minister and 39 years before Angela Merkel...


Herbert W. Armstrong Remembered

  1. 16th January 2016
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

As many of you may remember, January 16 is the 30th anniversary of the death of Herbert W. Armstrong. It is very helpful, I feel, to remember that Christ used this man—human as he was—more than anyone we know of for the last several hundred years. A number of us in this Work had the privilege of working with him closely for decades. It was a privilege that we...


Defying the odds

  1. 14th January 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Are you a gambler? "No!" most people would say: "I don't go to casinos or play the lottery, or bet the horses." This is a good thing, since common sense tells you that the house always wins. But, do you play the odds in other ways? This thought came to mind as I observed three young adults smoking cigarettes as they enjoyed an animated conversation outside a...


Stolen Water is Sweet

  1. 12th January 2016
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

The commercial was ending as I returned with my snack into the living room. The website address and the catch phrase remained on the screen like a stain on the carpet.  "Life is short. Have an affair," read the website's catch phrase. My shock was entangled with confusion and disbelief. Was this a crude joke? Did I just see an advertisement promoting an extra-...


Politics—Or Morality?

  1. 09th January 2016
  2. Glen Gilchrist (1954-2014)

Many today like to debate political topics. Talk show hosts battle in the arena of ideas. People push various political ideas as the solution to mankind's problems. The United States is in the midst of an acrimonious political campaign where candidates purport to offer answers to our social and economic problems.


Is it Time for God to Act?

  1. 07th January 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

“It is time for You to act, O Lord, for they have regarded Your law as void (cast off, dissolved, caused to cease, made of none effect)” (Psalm 119:126). Today, Western nations have been taking actions that are casting off or trying to make void the laws of God as never before. Is it time for God to act?

