Commentary | Page 101 | Tomorrow's World


The Weight of the Bible

  1. 28th May 2016
  2. Marc Arseneault

What is the difference between most of modern "Christianity" and the teachings of the Bible? The answer may be very surprising, but a short analogy comparing the Bible to a real conundrum concerning weights and measurements may help you understand.


The Long Walk From Eden

  1. 26th May 2016
  2. William Williams

What if you could travel the Earth, expenses paid, from Africa to Jerusalem and from Asia to the Americas? Well, one man is doing that, right now! No, he will not literally tread across the Pacific Ocean on some kind of special rubber gadget footgear… but he is covering a lot of distance on foot, in service of National Geographic.


A Good Mystery

  1. 24th May 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

a mysterious looking man holding a Bible Many people enjoy a good mystery. Mystery books by authors like Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock and a host of others appeal to the desire for suspense and intrigue—and memorable characters such as the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes capture our attention with their adventures. But what about another book, that far predates...


Lord, When WILL All of This End?

  1. 21st May 2016
  2. Marc Arseneault

Once, while I was waiting to watch the news, I remember several ads that were playing. There was nothing remarkable in this, by itself; ads are part of the daily bombardment of modern society. What got my attention this time, however, was that one ad was about a video game, and the narrator mentioned right from the start: “Rated for Teenagers.” I then saw image...


Do You Talk to Yourself?

  1. 19th May 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

All day, every day, our “inner voice” chatters away at us in an internal monologue we have with ourselves. This “discussion” can be positive or negative, and it greatly impacts our lives in many ways we might not often think about.


Music in the Midst of War

  1. 17th May 2016
  2. William Williams

On Thursday, May 5th, in Syria’s war-torn Homs province, beautiful music temporarily drowned out the echoes of bombs and gunshots. On a stage where Islamic State militants once murdered their victims and destroyed ancient artifacts, a Russian symphony orchestra played familiar classics. What prompted this brief interlude of peace and normalcy amid the ongoing...


Bridges to Nowhere

  1. 14th May 2016
  2. Ryan Dawson

Why would someone build a bridge to nowhere? Either they do not realize where they are headed, or they just are not the sharpest tool in the shed. The fact is, though, most of us have probably found ourselves building “bridges to nowhere” at one point or another—in other words, spending a lot of effort on something that will never take us to a useful destination...


Will Wars Ever End?

  1. 12th May 2016
  2. William Williams

In his 1951 farewell address to the United States Congress, General Douglas MacArthur grimly stated his thoughts about the global conflicts in which he had played a major role. Speaking as a life-long military man—a commander in some of modern history’s fiercest battles—he put the entire weight of his experience into his observation that, although mankind has...


Smells like teen marketing

  1. 10th May 2016
  2. Wallace G. Smith

I was reading the comics today (not as much fun as it was when I was a kid, to be sure, but still a pleasant diversion in the morning) and one of the comic strips caught my eye.


Make a Chain

  1. 07th May 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“If it bleeds, it leads” seems to be the rule that newspapers, television and other news sources use today—and they have no shortage of heinous crimes and tragic occurrences to write about. Rape, robbery, murder, extortion, corruption in political and business circles and other acts of crime and violence seem to permeate all strata of our society. Abductions,...

