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So-called “transgenderism” and “gender-affirming care” are among the most hotly debated topics in recent years and were recently argued before the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Skrmetti. The United States government, itself, argued “to the Supreme Court… that the 14th Amendment of the Constitution means a state cannot ban transgender hormone regimens for adolescents” (“Transgender Minors at the Supreme Court,” Wall Street Journal, December 3, 2024). The arguments involve popular treatments such as “puberty blockers,” “cross-sex hormones,” and “gender-affirming mastectomies.”
That this case is being argued before the highest court in the United States highlights all by itself how far much of America has fallen from sound thinking. defines “transgender” as “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person was identified as having at birth.” Much of Western society has embraced the idea that a person can be “born in the wrong body” and should “transition” to the opposite gender. Biological men claiming to be “transgender women” compete in women’s sports. Disney initially planned (before changing course) to include a “transgender” storyline in an upcoming animated series for children. Even academic papers discuss the nonsensical idea of men becoming pregnant and giving birth.
This belief has led to tragic consequences in the lives of confused people, including children and teens. The influence of these unsound ideas has led many children and teens to attempt to “transition” to another gender. The Williams Institute estimated that about 300,000 people between 13 and 17 years old identified as “transgender” in 2022. Many have pursued drastic measures, such as surgeries that have permanently altered their bodies. Consider the procedures listed on a Johns Hopkins webpage titled “Gender Affirmation Surgeries”: Penile and scrotum construction (phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, scrotoplasty), vaginal construction (vaginoplasty), top surgery (removes or augments breast tissue), facial gender surgery (to create more feminine or masculine facial features), removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), removal of ovaries (oophorectomy), removal of one or both testicles (orchiectomy), and more. These procedures reflect a profound detachment from reality and sound reasoning.
The irrational belief that people can “transition” to the opposite gender has been accepted and promoted by prominent figures and organizations in media, government, medical associations, and beyond. This phenomenon is not confined to the United States—it is evident in many other countries as well. Why have so many people, even highly educated and intelligent people, embraced such unsound thinking?
The Apostle Paul provides a simple and clear explanation in Romans 1:28: “Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done” (New Living Translation), or “gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (New King James Version). In contrast, a sound mind founded upon knowledge, wisdom, and understanding comes from contact with God (Proverbs 2:6; 2 Timothy 1:7).
Many other Scriptures make the same point. When people reject God and His word, as much of society has done in its desire to be more secular, God allows them to fall into foolish and debased thinking. This foolishness manifests itself in various ways, with “transgenderism” being one of the most pronounced examples.
God’s word provides clear and simple guidance regarding gender. Deuteronomy 22:5 explains that men and women should not even wear the clothing of the opposite sex, much less “transition” to it. Jesus Christ affirmed that God made human beings “male and female” (Matthew 19:4). These instructions are straightforward, yet profound.
While Jesus Christ’s disciples lament the unsound thinking of society and the heartbreaking consequences it brings, they are also called to respond with compassion. Many who have fallen into transgender confusion have been abused and deceived. Children, in particular, are often influenced by social media, peers, teachers, doctors, and even parents to attempt to “change genders.” These cases are deeply tragic and heartrending.
A compassionate response to those who have fallen into transgender confusion involves, firstly, sharing with them the freedom of truth. Along with truth, the blessing of repentance and the hope of forgiveness should be shared, all of which are vital keys to restoring and maintaining a sound mind.
For an in-depth analysis of this important topic, be sure to watch Tomorrow’s World television presenter Wallace Smith’s insightful presentation “The Truth About the Transgender Movement.”
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