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The Mark of the Beast is a subject that fascinates people and generates many speculations—most of them totally wrong.
Read More...Depression has become one of the fastest growing health concerns of our age.
Read More...What will the fallout be from the war in Ukraine? Some wonder, will it lead to WW-3 and Armageddon.
Read More...Is there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth’s inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of el
Read More...If there is a Creator who made the earth and designed mankind, and that Creator is good and loves His Creation, then why is it that bad things happ
Read More...For millennia, the Book of Revelation has captivated the imagination of just about everyone who reads it.
Read More...Is the world becoming more dangerous? This is one of the most important questions we should be asking.
Read More...We come into this life knowing nothing and at some point find ourselves at some stage in life, wondering if there is some grand purpose to our exis
Read More...When did political correctness begin? And why do we have it? Who’s behind it? And, where is it leading us? Is it humorous, harmless, or hurtful?
Read More...We examine some of the most common conspiracy theories in existence including one which you may not be aware of, but has had far reaching impact on
Read More...Professing Christians know that Jesus gave His life for mankind, but what else do they know about Jesus and why He came to earth as a human being?
Read More...Failure to heed warnings has led mankind to experience a near continuous litany of needless suffering and sorrow over the millennia.