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Are catastrophic disasters simply natural? Is mankind responsible for them, or does the label “acts of God” carry more meaning than many realize?
Read More...Mankind is developing more destructive technologies, while tensions increase worldwide. Will the years ahead bring devastation or peace?
Read More...Did Jesus do away with the biblical health laws? What has modern science discovered about them? And are they still applicable today?
Read More...How badly do you need God’s forgiveness? Do you really need a Savior? If you have been baptized, is your baptism valid in God’s sight?
Read More...Do you know what Jesus really preached? Just what did He mean by “the kingdom of God”? His exciting Good News is of a new world coming!
Read More...The Bible foretells massive disease epidemics. But if you learn to trust and obey God, you can be healed—perhaps more than you understand.
Read More...The tradition of Good Friday and Easter Sunday is actually in utter opposition to the truth of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
Read More...Has life evolved through blind forces of nature? Was the whole universe created 6,000 years ago? What are the facts that both sides fail to see?
Read More...Do you know what events will signal the return of Jesus Christ? Learn what to watch for so you will not be caught unprepared.
Read More...Germany’s history and connection to the Holy Roman Empire show how God has used the German people to fulfill prophecy—and will again.
Read More...God’s Church is a “little flock,” but He has kept His promise that “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
Read More...The Creator has a financial law that applies to true Christians today, and He blesses those who obey this law in faith.
Read More...There really are keys and time-tested principles that can help produce truly happy marriages.
Read More...People often say, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas”—but was He ever there? Where did we get our many traditions? The answers may surprise you.
Read More...What will happen to the billions of human beings who have never known the true God?
Read More...“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Read More...Prove for yourself what the Bible actually teaches about law and grace working together to form the very foundation of Christianity.
Read More...Is marijuana as harmless as advocates claim? Could society benefit from legalizing it? Is there a larger picture to consider?
Read More...Bible prophecy reveals that God is working through current events to bring about a time when the whole world will be at peace.
Read More...The religion bearing Jesus Christ's name is practically unrelated to what He lived and believed. How can you follow His teachings?
Read More...By understanding the book of Revelation, you can know the future of our world!
Read More...The astounding message in this booklet will affect you in the years just ahead—and it will also affect your eternal future.
Read More...What is the real purpose of parenting? Is it merely to bring up children to become independent and competent adults, or is there something more?
Read More...Just who or what is the Beast of Revelation? And will you receive its infamous mark?
Read More...Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. Is it just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God?
Read More...The Holy Days that Jesus Christ observed picture, in sequence, the destiny God has planned for all humanity.
Read More...Do you know what the Bible teaches about the end-time climax of world events in the Middle East? You may be surprised.
Read More...Does God actually exist? Is there one true God, or are there many gods? The answers could change your life.
Read More...Have God’s Ten Commandments really been abolished, or do they have everlasting benefits for mankind?
Read More...Is the Rapture real? Let’s evaluate it with end-time Bible prophecy’s seven trumpets of Revelation, Great Tribulation, and first resurrection.
Read More...What does the future hold for the world’s English-speaking peoples? The Bible has the answer.
Read More...God’s government is coming to this earth soon. How will it affect you? What is the real future for which you should be preparing?
Read More...Have you ever wondered, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?" Do you know how to pray in a way that will get real results?
Read More...Learn why prophecy is such a big part of the Bible—and of true faith, courage in challenging times, and even succeeding in the Christian way of life.
Read More...God has a plan for all of humanity—and an amazing reward in store for today’s true Christians.
Read More...Would Jesus Christ recognize the organizations using His name today? How can you be sure of what a true Christian should be?
Read More...Why were you born? Why does God allow tests and persecutions? What is the magnificent purpose for all of our lives?
Read More...Thousands of different denominations claim to follow Jesus Christ. Is there a true Church of God that stands apart? How can you recognize it?
Read More...The true Sabbath has everything to do with whether you know the true God, and it directly affects your inheritance in His Kingdom.
Read More...Can you prove, from the Bible, who or what the prophesied Antichrist really is?