Wallace G. Smith | Page 44 | Tomorrow's World

Wallace G. Smith

Why Believe in God?

Atheists and skeptics often assume that belief in God is for the stupid and the gullible. In fact, however, there is tremendous evidence of the reality of an all-powerful and loving Creator God. Have you considered that evidence? You should!

The Fight over Hell

Some modern theologians are questioning long-held “mainstream” beliefs about Hell. When sinners die, do they really go straight to a burning pit of fire, to suffer for eternity? Are you willing to believe the plain words of your Bible?

Will Christians Be Raptured?

How will Jesus Christ protect His people from prophesied end-time terrors? Will our world face chaos as Christian jet pilots and bus drivers disappear in the blink of an eye? Or does God have something else in mind? You need to know what the Bible says!

The Decline of Nations

Nations come, and nations go. Students of history realize that even the world's most powerful and expansive empires have eventually faded away. Today, many are wondering whether two once-powerful nations—the United States and Great Britain—are on the same declining path as failed empires of old. Will these nations decline? Why do nations decline? You need to know!

Terror of the Tribulation

Jesus Christ is returning. The Bible is absolutely clear on this glorious fact. But, there are many events prophesied to occur before that return. One that is most commonly speculated about is one called "the great tribulation". It will eventually involve the entire world in its clutches. Here is what God's word has to say about the coming tribulation and how to protect you and your family from it.
