Wallace G. Smith | Page 5 | Tomorrow's World

Wallace G. Smith

Monsters Descend on Israel

On October 7, 2023, monsters descended on the nation of Israel.

As word spread, many Israelis rushed to their cellphones or television screens to see images of terrorists crossing Israel’s borders by land and sea—even by air in small, improvised aircraft. They descended upon a music festival packed with dancing youth. They encroached on neighborhoods. They entered homes. And their mission was clear: to kill, to maim, to rape, to torture, and to kidnap.

That is, to terrorize.

"Hate Thy Neighbor"

Bullets from the mouth

Why does society increasingly reflect the opposite of the Bible’s famous command to love your neighbor? Is there hope for Christians in what has become an apparent culture of hate?

Can You Spot a Counterfeit?

Stained glass in magnifying glass

Is the Christianity you know really the true religion found in your Bible? You need to know the truth behind centuries of counterfeit traditions.

Seven Signs of the End-Time Antichrist

Catholic Priest sun rays

Just who is the Antichrist, the religious figure who will reject God’s laws and deny the true Christ? The Bible contains clear prophetic signs of his coming.

Our Wonderfully Round Earth

Flat Earth or not

Flat-Earth theory has gained a lot of followers and publicity. But it has not gained the support of everyday observations or the Bible, both of which are very comfortable on a very round Earth.
