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Wallace G. Smith

The Truth About the Rapture

Millions of Christians believe that at any moment they may be “raptured away” as Christ takes them to heaven before the terrors of the Great Tribulation. But is this idea of a secret Rapture true? Is the Rapture taught by the Bible? Watch this telecast if you want to know the truth about the Rapture.

The Butterfly: Master of Metamorphosis

There are virtual miracles that surround us in God’s created world—wonders we take for granted too easily. In the life cycles of even the lowliest of creatures, the One who is their Creator and ours has placed lessons and examples for us to consider.

It is easy to think of the well-known transformation of caterpillar to butterfly and fail to consider the everyday miracle it represents. It is truly one of the great wonders of the living world.

The Mystery of the Kingdom of God

When Jesus Christ walked this earth almost 2,000 years ago He spoke about a KINGDOM­—the KINGDOM OF GOD!  Can you understand the mystery of the Kingdom of God?  Why is it a mystery at all?  Let’s take a brief survey of the ministry of Christ and of His disciples and see what the message of the Kingdom of God is about!

Fingerprints of the Master Designer

Some say that the more we learn about the world around us—the more we learn about us—the more we have reason to believe that we came about as a result of blind chance. However, the truth is quite the opposite. As science reveals more details about how the physical world works, we see that God has left many fingerprints on His Creation—evidence of His creative activity!

500 Years of Martin Luther’s Success—and Failure

Today is Reformation Day, and a special one at that. 500 years ago, Martin Luther mailed a collection of 95 statements to Archbishop Albert of Mainz and, it is believed, nailed them to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Known as the famous Ninety-five Theses, they represented his disagreement with some of the practices and positions of the Roman Catholic Church in his day, and they have changed the world—though not in the way it needs to be changed.
