Ryan Dawson | Page 2 | Tomorrow's World

Ryan Dawson

Bridges to Nowhere

Why would someone build a bridge to nowhere? Either they do not realize where they are headed, or they just are not the sharpest tool in the shed. The fact is, though, most of us have probably found ourselves building “bridges to nowhere” at one point or another—in other words, spending a lot of effort on something that will never take us to a useful destination. Chances are, most of us have, at one time or another, held onto grudges—which are effectively bridges to nowhere.

The Cities of Tomorrow

From the Jetsons’ flying cars, to Marty McFly’s self-tying shoes, we all have desired to see a glimpse of what the future will be like. Yet, where are the flying cars? Where are my self-tying shoes? Will men soon set foot on Mars? Perhaps most importantly, what are the communities of tomorrow really going to look like?
