Despite high unemployment and inflation at home, and growing unpopularity abroad, the United States may still be the world’s sole superpower, but its influence and prestige are declining as never before. Why? Your Bible gives the answer!
After you die, do you expect to “roll around heaven all day”? Or might you spend eternity burning in hellfire? Your Bible reveals awesome truth about the eternal purpose for which God created you and your loved ones. You need to know that truth!
Many people in our modern age do not recognize that Satan is a very real spirit being, who works tirelessly to deceive the whole world. How can true Christians be protected from Satan’s deceptions? You need to know!
Your Bible reveals dramatic signs that will signal the imminent return of the Savior to bring peace, harmony and prosperity to planet Earth! You need to know how to recognize those signs!
We live in a world beset by AIDS and other pandemics. No part of the globe is spared from the suffering of terrible illness. The good news is that God can, and does, heal people today. You need to know how to receive His healing!