Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017) | Page 49 | Tomorrow's World

Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Is This the Last Generation?

Is this really the final generation of this world's society? How would you live if you knew that the end of the world was just ahead? The Bible can tell YOU how to prepare. Listen to this program to find out more...

What is Jesus Christ Doing Now?

Far from being “off in heaven somewhere” with nothing to do, Jesus Christ is active and actively working towards your future - and that of all humankind! In this program, Roderick Meredith explains what Christ’s mission is, and what He is doing right now.

Is There a True Church Today?

Where is God’s true church amid all the confusion of the world’s many religions? Roderick Meredith explains in this program where the true Christian church is, and how it can be identified. Start learning, from your own Bible, where God is working today!

Why Were You Born?

The purpose of human existence is a mystery that has stymied human kind since the beginning of time and thought - and yet God has a great purpose for the human race, and one that can be understood through the teachings of the Bible. If you are interested in this vital information, listen today.

Law or Grace?

In this program, Roderick Meredith takes on one of the most deceptive and destructive misconceptions in the world today. Did Christ’s sacrifice do away with God’s laws, or is there a truth that involves both the grace of God and the law? Get your Bible and listen today.
