Earth-shaking events lie just ahead for the American and British-descended peoples! God is going to humble us through catastrophes, and teach us lessons we could not learn any other way. Can we take steps to stop these catastrophic events from happening?
Do you view the Bible as the real authority in your life? Do you feel it was directly inspired by God, or do you think of it as just a good book with "wise sayings"? Coming to understand and to LIVE the right answer to these questions is a major KEY to attaining eternal life.
If you believe the Bible is God's "Instruction Manual" to mankind—meant to show us what to believe and how to live—then you should really study this inspired book just as you would study a textbook, for instance, to learn a language.
What exactly is the kingdom of God? What will Christians do when they are part of that kingdom? Can we know? How can we know? The Word of God makes it clear that Jesus Christ will soon return to rule the nations of this world—and that today's Christians will play a special part in His kingdom!