What matters most in your life? Are you seeking wealth, power and prestige? Are you seeking peace of mind, security and comfort? Before you can attain true success, you have to know what it is!
Most people do not like to face reality, especially when looming reality is unpleasant. It is much easier to look the other way—hoping that "bad things" will never happen. It is also easier to procrastinate than to take action.
Who can lead us out of the morass of our plummeting morality, our insecure economy, and the increasing tensions in our society? As the United States prepares to select a President, how would our Savior respond?
There are many terrible sins besetting the British-descended and American peoples. But one of the most awful and most fundamental sins today is that our peoples are beginning to embrace something they would not have even dreamed of 20 or 30 years ago—same-sex marriage!
Many have been intrigued by the mix of fact and fiction in the recent bestseller The Da Vinci Code. Was "Christianity" really hijacked by non-Christian forces in the centuries after Christ? The answer may change the way you look at true Christian belief and practice!