Rod McNair | Page 16 | Tomorrow's World

Rod McNair

Solving the Mystery of Marriage

Is marriage obsolete? Is it even relevant in our modern day? Why do people still come together in marriage, despite so many attacks on this once-cherished institution? The Bible gives powerful insights that can deepen your appreciation of marriage!

Peace on Earth?

Every Christmas season, tidings of "Peace on Earth" are shared by hopeful believers. Yet the legacy of Christmas seems never to deliver on the hope. Will there ever be peace on Earth? God's Holy Days reveal the wonderful answer!

Choose Civility!

Does it seem that our world is becoming more and more rude with each passing year? Are bullies rewarded while the meek suffer in silence? Is civility an outmoded value, or is it something that can change our world for the better?

The Spirit of Pentecost

God gave the Holy Spirit to His Church on the Day of Pentecost, but few understand the meaning of this Holy Day. God's Holy Spirit is vital for true Christian living, but many are unaware of what it is, what Pentecost is, and what it means to Christians today!

The Good Life in Hard Times

God has given the American and British-descended nations great blessings over the years. But now, as those blessings are dwindling, what can be done? The good news is that God shows His people how to live by His Way, and to have tremendous blessings individually even in times of national crisis.
