No one was ready for the magnitude of the meltdown of the world banking system, which led to huge cash bailouts for some, and tragic bankruptcies for others. For decades, the United States has been an "economic empire," but its power is waning fast -- and other nations are poised to fill the gap. Some expect China or Russia to take the lead, but Bible prophecy reveals that Europe will soon be the world's leading superpower!
Your Bible warns of a terrible battle among the nations at the end of this present age. Commonly called the "Battle of Armageddon," it is much misunderstood by most Christians. Will you be ready when it comes—or will you have a way of escape?
Your Bible describes a mysterious "Beast" that will rise at the end of this age. Some have wondered if the Beast will emerge from Russia, or from the United States. Scripture, however, reveals the role Europe will play in this powerful end-time prophecy!
Disasters leave a mark long after they have passed. People still hope for the best, and are look forward to the return of the former good times. What lessons can we learn about preparing for the future and surviving whatever comes our way? You need to know what your Bible says!
Thousands of religious groups claim to represent the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Yet many of these groups teach doctrines entirely contradictory to each other. Is there a Church today that truly represents what Jesus Himself taught?