Richard F. Ames (1936-2024) | Page 92 | Tomorrow's World

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Comets, Asteroids and Earth's Future

On July 4, 2005, NASA's Deep Impact probe completed its scientific mission by colliding with comet Tempel 1 at a speed of more than 23,000 miles per hour. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California reported: "Deep Impact scientists theorize the 820-pound impactor vaporized deep below the comet's surface when the two collided." Scientists want to know more about the nature of comets.

Asteroids: Media Hype or Menacing Danger?

Movies such as "Asteroid" (1997) "Armageddon (1998), and "Deep Impact" (1998) have portrayed asteroids as threatening all life on Earth. Do science and Bible prophecy agree that asteroids can or will pose such a threat? Are we in danger of an asteroid impact?

Prophecy VERSUS the Gospel?

In some religious circles, professing Christians argue that preaching Bible prophecy is irrelevant, or even contrary, to preaching the Gospel message! Bible prophecy may be an interesting topic, they say, but prophecy is not significant to our salvation. Is that true? Many professing Christians believe that the gospel is only about the person of Christ, and they ignore what He preached. So, let’s first of all examine what the author of true Christianity preached. What gospel did Jesus the Messiah preach? Did His message oppose Bible prophecy?

A Homosexual Bishop? Are We Overlooking the Obvious?

How many of us sometimes "overlook the obvious"? A case in point is the unbiblical reasoning that led the Episcopal Church in the USA to elect an openly homosexual priest as a bishop. The Episcopal General Convention recently voted by a two-thirds majority to approve this appointment. Many convention delegates were saddened and shocked by the decision.

Is There Any Hope?

In cities around the globe, and across every populated continent, our world is mired in violence, pain, and suffering. It seems more than ever that crime, disease, and human travail are with us everywhere you look. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there any hope?” God’s word gives the answer!
