Richard F. Ames (1936-2024) | Page 76 | Tomorrow's World

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Armageddon is Coming

Is Armageddon REALLY coming? Will the new millennium herald in this prophetic event? We live in an age where humanity is easily capable of destroying itself, Join us as Richard Ames presents valuable insight into the Book of Revelation and the coming “end times” of Bible prophecy.

World War III and Prophecy

The idea of World War III is scary to most people - but is it really coming? The Bible warns of a time of war that will truly “end al wars,” and herald in the end of an age. If you would like to know more, this program could be vitally important to your future.

The White Throne Judgment

What is judgment day? Two thirds of the people on earth today are not even Christians, and yet there is greater hope for all mankind than main stream Christian beliefs promise. In this program, Richard Ames discusses the real future God has in store for all those who have lived on earth.

Will Prophecy Fail?

Are you aware that over one-third of the Bible is prophecy? Predicting the future fascinates humankind, but is there a source of true prediction of future events? The Bible is this source, above any other, and in this program, Richard Ames explains the authenticity of God’s prophecies.

When Does the Millennium Begin?

Very soon, perhaps in your lifetime, Jesus Christ will return. How will this effect your life, and when will it happen? There are specific signs to look for, and in this program, listen as Richard Ames explains how you can find out what they are.
