In today's world of religion, we often hear a preacher appeal to his audience "Give your heart to the Lord". Often many respond just on emotion alone and walk down the aisle in the church or coliseum. Could they have experienced a false conversion? In many cases the preacher left out a very important Biblical requirement. He neglected to tell them they needed to repent. What does the Bible say about true repentance?
Our Western world promotes sex in its entertainment, its culture and its daily life. For many, fornication and adultery are exciting. But Bible prophecy predicts a terrible judgment on those peoples who practice sexual immorality as a way of life. Are we becoming a nation of adulterers?
Millions if not billions of human beings are miserable and unhappy. Many are victims of abuse, oppression or crime. Others seek pleasures and become addicted to vices. They reap the pain and penalty that results from the illusion of lustful sensuality. Broken relationships produce unhappiness. With all the suffering in the world, with all the terrorism, with all the hurts we feel, can you ever be happy?
Is God the product of human imagination or does He really exist? Are scientists right to say that evolution explains human origins or does the evidence point to a God who created the universe and everything in it? Can you explain life in the universe without God? If there is a God, can you prove His existence?
We live in a world of dangers, stress, fears and frustration. According to TIME magazine, 19 million Americans are afflicted with anxiety disorders. And there are many additional millions around the world who have phobias and fears. Many of us are just plain frustrated with ourselves or our circumstances. Do you have the faith to overcome your fears and frustrations?