Is someone you love overwhelmed by fears? Do you find yourself troubled by worries that are affecting your ability to cope with daily life? The Bible offers proven strategies for finding true peace of mind, and overcoming even your worst fears.
We have all wondered about life after death. Will we simply cease to exist forever? Will we spend eternity in a cloud-filled heaven or a fiery hell? Understanding what the Bible really teaches about our future can give our lives hope, peace, joy and real meaning.
The year 2000 came and went with very little fanfare. Self-proclaimed prophets have watched their timelines fail again and again, but what does your Bible say about the real Millennium? What will it mean for you?
How can we know if, or when, Jesus Christ will return? The Bible reveals clear signs that will herald the return of our Savior. The good news is that Jesus Christ will soon establish peace on earth, and prepare humanity for its eternal destiny as part of His family.
All around us, we see violence between nations and conflict between individuals. The Cold War is behind us, but fears of terrorism and global nuclear holocaust remain. Will mankind destroy itself? The Bible reveals that there will be a "World War III"—but offers a hope-filled message of our ultimate destiny.