Editorial Staff | Page 58 | Tomorrow's World

Editorial Staff

Letters to the Editor

I want to thank very much Mr. Richard Ames for his article, "Prayer: Our Lifeline to God" (Tomorrow's World, May-June 2009). I have read it many times and have photocopied it for a friend of mine. Each time I read it, I feel closer to the Lord and I want to improve my prayer life so that I will experience the joy of the Lord as well as sense His presence in my life. I love to receive all your literature and have also enjoyed the booklet Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer. Thank you so much.

Letters to the Editor

As a Tomorrow's World subscriber, a Bible Study Course student and an avid reader of many of your booklets, I am almost lost for words when I say how infinitely grateful I am. Firstly, to God and Jesus Christ and also to you for the work you are doing. Not only that, I personally feel a keen sense of duty to put into daily practice all that I have learned. For the sake of us all, please keep up the good work always.

J. S., Malaga, Spain

Letters to the Editor

For the several booklets I have already received in recent weeks, I am indeed grateful. In a short space of time I have learned more than I learned from the sermons I have listened to during my many years of church attendance.

E. M., Hamilton, New Zealand
