Douglas S. Winnail | Page 25 | Tomorrow's World

Douglas S. Winnail

Globalization of Greed!

Many Bible prophecies describe specific events that will arise on the world scene as we approach the end of the age—the period of time just before Jesus Christ returns to this earth to establish the Kingdom of God. Jesus told His disciples to watch for these events, so that they would recognize when His return was near (Matthew 24:32–44). Though many are reluctant to believe it, ancient Bible prophecies are coming alive today—right before our eyes!

Lifting the Burden of Poverty

The numbers are staggering, and the extent of human suffering is almost unimaginable to people who live in affluent parts of the world. Today—in the 21st century—nearly half of the world's six billion human beings live in daily, crushing poverty. Are there biblical solutions to this global problem?

Tribulation Ahead!

Jesus foretold that conditions on earth would reach the point where human survival would hang in the balance—unless God intervenes to save mankind!

Coming: Resource Wars!

We live in an age of increasing scarcity that was foretold in Bible prophecy. As nations face the loss of vital resources, what will happen to our world?

God's People Will Forget God!

The descendants of Ephraim in Britain offer a vivid example of how God's chosen people are turning away from their Creator. England and Scotland provided prominent religious leaders during the Reformation, and for centuries practiced Christianity to the best of their understanding. Yet in recent decades these nations (like their cousins across the English Channel) have done an amazing about-face! Surveys now indicate: "Britain is one of the world's least religious countries, with some of the lowest levels of belief and church-going" (Daily Mail, February 27, 2004).
