J. Davy Crockett III | Page 62 | Tomorrow's World

J. Davy Crockett III

Ten really dumb ideas of mankind #4: Political Correctness

What is this dumb idea all about? It has become so pervasive that it impacts all levels of our society and impedes our communication with others. What is the point? Why has this worthless concept and practice become so prevalent?

Does The Bible address such "modern" concepts? Actually, God's Word gives very specific instruction on the motives that drive this dumb idea.

Ten really dumb ideas - #5

#5 "Animal Rights": Treating animals like human beings

So-called "animal rights activists" are aggressively promoting this incredibly dumb idea. Carried out to the extreme, this cockamamie idea means to ascribe to animals the rights and privileges that human beings have.

Ten really dumb ideas - #6

#6. "Give us a king!"

Here is another classic dumb idea of mankind. It all started right after the flood of Noah. You can read about it in Genesis 10:8-12. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, began to have people look to him for guidance and protection rather than relying on God. He built the first city-states and set the Babylonish pattern for mankind from that point on.

God worked directly with Abram – who became Abraham – and with his descendants down to Israel's time. But, the people were not happy with that arrangement. We pick up the story in 1 Samuel 8:1-5:

Ten really dumb ideas … #7

Sex without responsibilities and without consequences

Take a look at our society today. Sexual misconduct and sexual perversion is rampant. Movies, magazines, videos and the internet are dominated by sexually explicit content. Many thinking people are alarmed by the "sexualization" of so much of our society.

Natural Selection or Creation?

Did life as we know it today evolve from nothing? Or was there a deliberate starting point from which all life as we know it today was created?

The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that the life we see in our world today had a definite beginning. In verse 11 we see that plant life was created. In verse 20 we see that fish, sea creatures, and birds were created. In verse 24, other living creatures made their appearance at God's command. And then came the ultimate creation—humankind, made in the image of God.
