J. Davy Crockett III | Page 21 | Tomorrow's World

J. Davy Crockett III

Times of Refreshing

Do you ever feel entrapped by urban sprawl? Do you long for the peace and tranquility of a panoramic scene of natural beauty, like a glacier-fed lake at the foot of snow-covered mountains with cool crisp air filling your lungs—without the rumble, roar, and clang of traffic noises? Would fresh trout on the banks of a flowing stream make a delicious supper as a day in the out of doors comes to a close? I think most of us would relish spending time in that environment.

The Winds of Change

Everyone has opinions, and it seems that the opinions are constantly changing. As this tumultuous election season in the United States unfolds, we see the candidates relying on opinion polls to guide their strategy as they verbally thrust and parry, trying to best their opponents. Huge amounts of money are being spent to gauge the likes and dislikes, beliefs, frustrations and irritants as pollsters try to determine the mood and desires of the voting public. Political candidates, consultants and pundits use the statistical data to determine the “hot button” issues of their voting blocks.

The Last Shot

As visitors flock to Washington, D.C., in this summer’s travel season, the memorials of wars fought by the United States of America will be a main attraction. These memorials are a stark reminder of the high price paid in death, destruction, and human suffering from which it takes generations to recover. Yet, there are those who died in a great war in this country who do not have an impressive memorial to bring their sacrifice to mind. Who were they?

A Life Well Spent

Why settle for the false hope invented by men when you can have the true hope revealed in your Bible?

Take the "Dys" Out of Dysfunctional!

What happened to the “functional” family? You know, the one with a Dad and a Mom and children centered around the home, doing the things families do, working together, playing together, laughing and sometimes crying together?
