Adam J. West | Page 8 | Tomorrow's World

Adam J. West

Freedom from Guilt?

Are you sometimes plagued with gnawing feelings of guilt? Do anxious feelings of wrongdoing stir inside you, resulting in thoughts of shame and inferiority? You are not alone!

But why, as human beings, do we have to experience and even be riddled with guilt? The fact is guilt plays a vital role in God’s purpose and plan. What is that role? How should you deal with your guilt?

A Game of Chance

Millions of men and women spend untold hours in the glitzy halls of casinos, while many others gather around octagon tables to play “friendly” games of “nickel” poker. Still others indulge in office sports pools, all the while hoping to cash in on the losers’ money.

What about those who set back a small amount of money for the occasional trip to the casino “just for entertainment?” What principles does God’s word contain concerning gambling? Is gambling a sin?

The sleeping giant awakens

Don't speak of the past because "we've gotten past it." That was the sentiment of the daughter of film director Volker Schlondorff according to an article published by The New York Times September 10, 2010.

The black horse of famine

The book of Revelation paints the picture of four prophetic horses which will ride at the end of the age. Each brings troubles and plagues with it, leaving human casualties in their wake. Russia and India are battling one of the tools spoken of in the third seal – the black horse of famine!

"Prayer or pain?"

An article concerning Pope John Paul II stated that the pontiff used to flagellate himself with a belt to share in the suffering of Christ. He says he did this to get closer to Jesus. It seems from the article that even Mother Teresa self-flagellated and that it is a commonly accepted and approved practice of the Catholic Church. What does the Bible have to say in this regard?
